The need for technology upgrades is expected to be expensive for Russia.
The district currently spends $800,000 a year on technology upgrades, with half the money from grants by the state's Department of Education.
A $1.2 million addition and technology upgrade were completed in 1995.
In the end, the Convention Center completed a $150 million "expansion and technology upgrade."
Millar Library was remodeled in 2001 at a cost of $2.8 million to create a learning center, technology upgrades, and new furnishings.
Requested funding will go towards new equipment and technology upgrades.
Students also sought a recycling program, technology upgrades and more on-campus housing.
Many people believe that companies will probably wait until the latter half of this year or until 2008 to bolster spending on technology upgrades.
In addition he urged monks to practise restraint when sponsors offer technology upgrades.
Her extensive refit at the beginning of 2011 included significant technology upgrades.