The program was devoted to topics of interest to young adults (20-30, the audience targeted by the network), including entertainment news and technology topics.
Quite evidently, the author has used a current science and technology related topic to build a thriller.
This evolution/maturity journey manifests itself by shifting attention from pure technology topics, to business focus as we have seen in the middle nineties onwards.
His work addresses a variety of fields such as technology, politics, science, social topics,finance, religion and style.
A talk show discussing technology related topics.
Popular Mechanics features regular sections on automotive, home, outdoors, science, and technology topics.
Mr. Gallagher left in 2000 to join a Web start-up that never started up, then freelanced on technology topics.
It offers news, analysis, and opinions on startups, Web 2.0, online games, and other technology related topics.
The format of the show encourages spontaneity and the conversation often diverges wildly from technology topics.
He speaks extensively about his experiences with the United States Justice System and technology related topics at many international conferences.