The new technology says it's worth standing in your underwear in a dark booth as lasers whisper, unfelt, over every inch of your body.
It's hard to keep up with the changing trends, and technology, of coffee-making, says Bee Wilson.
Years ago we'd have blamed it on the Soviets, said they had developed some super new technology, some death ray that affected only human flesh and bone.
"The buildings were not constructed with technology in mind 125 years ago," said the director of information technology, Carole Carmody.
The industry concedes that such technology has added to costs but says professors demand the innovations.
"This technology," he said, looking around him.
The technology behind Bella, said Tom Kramer, the president and a founder, has become available and affordable only in the last few years.
The relevant protection for copyrighted material becomes as the technology says, not as copyright law requires.
The technology, while yet a bit beyond what we have now, is certainly not beyond that of say the year 2000 or so.
"But the same technology saved you," said Geordi, hating to sound like a broken sound chip.