"Without our technology to rely on."
The technology relies on measuring several key (mainly mechanical) parameters of the drive unit, for example the flying height of heads.
The new technology would rely on molecular machines to make molecular products.
The technology and the methods of this form of communication have traditionally been through oratory structure and rely on an audience.
The technology relies on an unstable mechanical configuration that forms part of the electrical circuit.
Because the technology relies on fingerprinting it can be applied to any digital content, including all pre-existing data.
These technologies rely on and contribute to each of the other four key areas.
Epic's technology relies on the biochemical principle of volume exclusion.
The technology relies on systems already used in thousands of Web sites, created by artists and hackers as well as Internet designers.
The new technology being developed, part of broader automated security programs, relies on a central computer that acts like a digital petri dish.