Today, the growth continues, fueled primarily by technology jobs, the weather, and immigrant labor.
These technology jobs pay on the average $68,146, compared to the $40,926 for the state as a whole.
Students with such majors are thought to have an aptitude for technology jobs, she said.
In 2007, she left her technology job to devote herself to writing.
"We have to go out a few months to see if the information technology job market's demand still outstrips the supply," he said.
And some city computer and other technology jobs have moved offshore.
Investment from leading Indian and Western computer companies has led to the creation of 20,000 new high technology jobs.
In 2001 and 2002, America lost 560,000 technology jobs.
The state added nearly 700,000 service and technology jobs from 1978 to 1997, more than making up for the loss in manufacturing employment.
But none of those fairs are held for profit, and few focus exclusively on technology jobs.