But they said they did not believe their conclusions would change if new technologies or benefits were discovered.
"Our technology has to be better man your technology or we would have been discovered, even caught, long ago."
The alien technology had been discovered by two xeno-archaeologists picking through ancient and mysterious Klikiss ruins.
However, these efforts need to be readressed, due to the fact that this technology has been discovered to be faulty by many of the local residents.
Copy an existing design, usually in order to produce an upgraded version when more advanced technology is discovered.
Different technologies have been discovered that can enable measuring power consumption in real-time.
But he continues to demand that the work be halted until new technologies are discovered.
As new technologies for natural gas production are discovered, the world's ultimate reserves can grow.
What if intelligence and technology had been discovered by some other species, say crocodiles?
In 1971, he said, costly new technology was discovered that greatly expanded the potential of overhead surveillance.