The policies we adopt today will determine whether the technology of the future empowers people with disabilities to live, learn, and earn.
As people began to skip ads while watching their favorite TV shows, technology was empowering the consumer to watch their content without interruption.
These technologies empower ordinary people to have a global presence for business, political and social purposes.
So whatever can be done - whatever today's technologies enable and empower - will be done by someone, somewhere.
As the site's collage function is meant to demonstrate, digital technology can empower nonartists to do creative things.
Today a relatively advanced technology empowers much of play.
True, technology empowers millions of potential copyright violators.
Finally, this technology empowers citizens with easy access to knowledge on the reconstruction progress, thereby promoting transparency and accountability.
Such new technologies empower people, "giving them more choice and control."
There's a widespread myth that technology empowers people.