These machines were similar in technological terms to the 2600, but sold for much higher prices with associated higher profit margins.
It takes its name, the catalog explains, "from a technological term that describes the meeting or separation line between parts of an object."
The book's poems address many common themes such as life and destruction but describe them using technological and engineering terms.
While the Japanese car makers are taking pains to describe the improvements in merely technological terms, they also have a significant political dimension.
In the case of some technological terms, code-mixing becomes very hard to avoid.
This is why technological questions can no longer be answered in technological terms alone.
In technological and statistical terms, then, the green revolution was an astounding success.
In technological terms the product is now ready.
The European automotive industry is the sector's world leader in technological terms.
It is essential that in an ever-changing world, in technological and financial terms, we upgrade people's skills.