Seacom offers education with its curriculum through a broad array of offerings in engineering & technological studies.
The school offers a large amount of courses including sports, sciences, mathematics, humanities, English, business, art, performing arts, languages and technological studies.
It is recognized as one of the best institutes of the country for pursuing technological studies along with other NITs .
In addition, the Report made a number of other detailed recommendations which were designed to encourage an increase in technological studies.
Examples include interventional and effectiveness studies, clinical, epidemiological and technological studies.
He specializes in agricultural technological studies.
We're supportive of any technological study that is accurate and informed.
Toward the end of his life he turned from activism to technological and astronomical studies.
Instead, the ESA set up a technological study of a spacecraft with an ion drive.
In 1991, funding on Sky Mound was stopped to perform a technological study at the site; currently construction remains postponed.