In July, a border war broke out with Egypt, in which the Egyptians defeated Libya despite their technological inferiority.
The Borg designate the Kazon as Species 329, and have deemed them unworthy of assimilation; their species' technological inferiority would only serve to detract from the Borg goal of perfection.
Always a Step Behind The failure to spend on research and development and the strategy of buying technology doom the American companies to being one step behind their rivals, creating a persistent image of technological inferiority.
The Crimean War also led to the eventual realisation by the Russian government of its technological inferiority, in military practices as well as weapons.
Observers blamed technological inferiority, poor maintenance, inappropriate pricing, and inventory pileups, and Zayre appeared ripe for takeover.
In spite of its technological inferiority, the black-and-green Game Boy easily staved off competitors, including color-display systems made by Atari and Sega of the above-mentioned manufacturers.
Not included in these definitions is the emphasis that the PLA places on asymmetric warfare, particularly using IO and IW to compensate for technological inferiority.
Despite their technological inferiority, they had wielded immense power and a relentless desire to "assimilate" Manraloth technology, while rejecting every attempt at communication and persuasion.
She's been in combat against the Bloodhorde, and despite their technological inferiority, they managed to wipe most of her scan systems and then bludgeon her with heavy explosive.
A century of unhappy encounters with the West had left China with a deep sense of scientific and technological inferiority.