It is easy to envision the ways that infertility research might operate as a great technological force for women's liberation.
Social change may be driven by cultural, religious, economic, scientific or technological forces.
Economic and technological forces are forcing certain media (magnetic tape, vinyl) off the table.
Innovations with this show include the interplay of several new technological forces being applied to radio.
The trend is largely the result of technological forces at work around the world.
The music itself was not so much a collection of songs as a nonstop technological force.
In the case of online movies, two forces, one technological and one commercial, are keeping the market from developing more quickly.
Many consumers watching all this unfold no doubt are confused about the economic and technological forces driving these mergers.
But there is also fashion that acknowledges the technological and spiritual forces around us.
Adams saw the new technological forces of a century ago as awe-inspiring, destructive, and almost beyond comprehension.