One of his first technological discoveries involved manufacturing artificial legs from recycled plastic yogurt bottles.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Indiana Standard again led the way with scientific and technological discoveries.
These changes do not require new technological discoveries, but will cut polluting gases like nitrogen oxide from those vehicles by as much as 40 percent.
Nowadays he makes technological discoveries with his 10-year-old daughter.
The case for targeting recognizes that technological discovery is far different from oil derricks and wheat fields.
Especially since I, too, cannot resist being deeply impressed by the technological discoveries around me, including electronic books the size of paperbacks containing full libraries.
Translating technological discoveries into commercial products and therapies is an important part of the organization's mission.
The Center has committed to capturing the technological discoveries of field offices to enrich the knowledge base of the international development community as a whole.
Biotechnology is an extremely important issue here, and will come up again when we look at the patentability of technological discoveries.
Nor do I think most of our great technological discoveries have been a benefit in terms or planetary well-being.