Using unorthodox tactics to offset their technological disadvantage, Dodge and the Stingray crew win their first objective by getting into and setting off flares in Charleston Harbor.
But he added, "This Government remains unequivocally opposed to any suggestions that seek to place India at a technological disadvantage."
Because of its technological disadvantage, the ED finds itself more often on the defensive throughout the Earth 2140 storyline.
Capoeira is a fast and versatile martial art which is historically focused on fighting outnumbered or in technological disadvantage.
It was one of the reasons we started building ANA, so that humanity is never at a technological disadvantage again.
PCI-X has technological and economical disadvantages compared to PCI Express.
And wouldn't the company, a leader in mechanical and electronic meters but hardly the first name in digital ones, be at a technological disadvantage?
So these new companies would start with a real technological disadvantage.
The contributions of the third generation were based on the concept of overcoming technological disadvantage through the use of clever strategy.
Countries with a technological and economic disadvantage can most effectively overcome this disadvantage by ignoring the existence of patent rights.