"You belonged to the technocratic elite even before you picked up that book," Kivistik said.
The French system might not work so well in the United States, less accustomed to accepting the fiats of a technocratic elite.
Then, when people were sick of Maoism, they were lulled by the promise of universal prosperity, guaranteed by a technocratic elite.
The failure of the coup led to the flight of Mihayshi and part of the country's technocratic elite.
The design and development of many of these products was undertaken by large groups of workers and not limited to a small technocratic elite.
Within a short time span, pagers evolved from a tool for "technocratic elites" to a tool used by "kids living in the projects"
In any country of the world, such a shock would bring a political backlash, but neither the technocratic elite nor the old "politicos" seemed to anticipate it.
Not surprisingly, the technocratic elites of the administration thus had to act as nationalistic entrepreneurs.
Integration was regarded as an inevitable process, rather than a desirable state of affairs that could be introduced by the political or technocratic elites of the involved states' societies.
A new, young, technocratic elite was governing the country and the fast-growing economy brought prosperity and stability.