The technique, pioneered in the United States, is prompting cleanups.
The technique, pioneered by American engineers and scientists, has become essential to interplanetary exploration, experts said.
Succeeding commanding officers would emulate the spirit and innovative techniques pioneered by Cotton.
The cartoons are also notable for their use of children rather than adult voice actors, a technique pioneered by the Peanuts television specials.
Menard's study made use of several bibliometric techniques pioneered by Price, published as a collection in his 1983 book.
LRB uses many of the musical techniques pioneered by earlier western bands.
Interferometry is a technique pioneered by Albert Michelson in the 19th century.
It is clearly foreshadowed in the participatory techniques now being pioneered in the arts.
The original technique, pioneered by our patron, was accomplished without the aid of technology.
In particular, four wave mixing techniques pioneered by the group are being extensively developed.