The trip to the surface was faster than the trip down since they were able to use the lifts that Duras's technicians had repaired.
It wasn't just the physical cell structure of Carter's brain which the medical technicians would repair, his memories too would have to be re-established.
While local technicians repair the Garden, the Galbadian Army invade in search of a girl named Ellone, who had been staying at Balamb Garden until recently.
'We're heavily cybernated,' he told them, 'But even we need a few technicians to repair the bots now and again.'
A custom adhesive, known as high-temperature scroll tape, is also available to allow technicians to repair sections of scrolls that have become damaged.
Much will depend on how quickly technicians here at the Kennedy Space Center can repair and service the vehicles between missions.
Back on the ship, Kell knew that other technicians and engineers were repairing everything that could be repaired.
The unseen warcraft had functioned effectively on its maiden voyage, but further plans had been delayed while technicians repaired mechanical bugs that cropped up afterward.
Some trouble was experienced, but the 31 civilian technicians from the San Antonio depot successfully repaired the XC-99 at Dover AFB.
This requires complete draining of the tanks and removal of all hydrogen via helium gas purge, a 20 hour process, before technicians can inspect and repair problems.