"I'm not sure yet," the technician answered.
There was a moment's silence, and then the technician answered, his voice ghostly in her ears.
"Imre asked me to call," the technician answered, expressionless, and there was a sound of soft laughter from the monitor screen.
"Match me, Red, I need to steady us," she said, and blessedly the technician answered aloud.
After five minutes of recorded messages, a technician answered and asked me to read a line in the setup program's report.
It's still down," answered the gray-clad technician.
The technician here will answer any questions you have.
When the technician answered, Rosenzweig's eyes filled with tears.
The technician answered, "We think it's an abandoned ice base built inside the berg."
"Like a prima ballerina's debut," answered the technician.