Bunch of religious nuts, mostly; though some technical types threw in with them.
The technical types were a bit behind them and, back at the entrance to the barn, the soldiers stood, alert.
He was one of the technical types, not in uniform, and he seemed to have all his parts.
And it was typical thinking by technical types, I must say.
Secondary education consists of three different types: general, technical or vocational.
"Surely you've spent enough time around us technical types, David, to know that we're nothing if not resourceful."
"Putting one foot in front of the other without falling on your face isn't something that comes easy to you technical types."
Tyrone was never the technical type, and definitely not the politician.
Finally, the technical types had finished sifting her story to the last detail.
A tone of emotional restraint was imposed by the technical types, who had a show to put on.