The fact that she was a dance actress should not obscure her technical strength.
Yet she had the technical strength necessary for the Kingdom of the Shades.
TRW is not getting full credit for the technical strength that it, in fact, has.
The 800 can stretch as the photographer's mind and technical strength expand.
Banyan, he said, has staked out a critical niche, with the technical strengths to emerge as a major, long-term competitor.
This school is very famous for its discipline and technical strength of the teachers.
That's when the Cowboys' technical, mental and physical strengths were at a peak.
It requires balance, musicality, great technical strength and passion.
That means going to the public without much technical strength on the Board . . . make the underwriting difficult.
The eight pianists, all accomplished players, had their own interpretive ideas, technical strengths and weaknesses.