The brothers worked together all their lives on technical, social and cultural projects.
We haven't done that yet because we've had to get some other technical projects finished first, but it's on the to-do list and not forgotten.
The technical project required a device to remain in class 5 tonnes gross weight.
I've spent the past year working on technical projects we can go into some other time.
He was an author of numerous technical projects, thesis and textbooks.
This is a scientific and technical project, Vedek," she said firmly.
We've got to learn how to work together on large technical projects that solve problems in society.
They were looking for employment in the oil industry and the new technical and aerospace projects located there.
Work on the design began in September 1956, the technical project was completed in the first quarter of 1957.
The section also includes an opportunity for readers to submit their own technical project, which, if selected, will be featured in the magazine.