All the creative and technical input of others is properly credited, nonetheless.
He will sit out the other races, providing technical input and experienced advice to the team from behind the wall.
If you two don't find a way to work together, I'll pull my own support from both sides, including my technical input on the surface forms.
But, despite this identical technical input, the teams' cameras will differ significantly.
They assumed he would provide a technical input but underestimated the degree of creative guidance he would proffer.
A high level of skilled technical input from the 60-strong R & D Department and experienced production units.
But the government also needed his technical and scientific input for other projects.
When anything is being grown in the Third World, the United States seems to stand ready to supply all the technical inputs required.
Finally, Commissioner, I should like to thank your staff for their technical input and recommendations.
We should also take care to ensure that the Member States can implement the directive with the least possible administrative and technical input.