They were looking at a room furnished with heavy furniture, some technical apparatuses, a table and the head of a bed.
Except for those who had penetrated this time-plane by means of a technical apparatus which enabled them to retain their own time rate.
The technical apparatus used to control switches (points), signals and block systems is called interlocking.
By the radical nature of its technical apparatus, electronic music is compelled to deal with sound phenomena unknown to musicians of earlier times.
I am not here by technical apparatus.
Hammer paint is often used to beautify technical apparatus and not so commonly as a protective coating.
The following titles, all by working physicists, attempt to communicate quantum theory to lay people, using a minimum of technical apparatus.
Its backstage apparatus, technical and administrative, is renowned for operating smoothly in this bumpiest of performing arts.
In this case, the camera obscura is nothing but the technical apparatus necessary for the simulation of the dream.
There, the theater gets $30 million in endowments each year and has huge technical apparatus.