Recently, a few new industries have been established with high tech equipment and professionals to enhance the strength of this sector.
This method is universally applicable, requires only a low tech equipment and still offers high reproducibility and a high grade of quality control.
There they discover a small army of enemy agents and a big supply of explosives and some high tech equipment.
When we'd gone a short way she pointed out some kind of tech equipment being set up.
The only high tech equipment they'd brought to La Jolla was the Red Arrow chess processor.
Later they sneak into Santa's office while he is asleep, using their high tech equipment from the previous film.
Throughout, the process is controlled by computers and other high tech equipment, which further assures uniformity and quality, the plant's operators said.
High- tech equipment and manufactured goods were still going south to Libya in exchange for drags and weapons.
In desperate need of high tech equipment for their homeworld, they resorted piracy.
In 2007, we opened 12 rooms with high tech equipment, the result of an investment of about $ 2.5 million from the St. Paul Foundation.