These were Britain's first conventional submarines to feature the tear-drop shape, which greatly reduced the acoustic signature produced by the boat while cruising.
Some are tear-drop shapes, others are indented and one features a bride and bridegroom.
From the tear-drop shape extended a dark, prehensile tail.
The rim of this crater is elongated along the western side, giving it a slight tear-drop shape.
The surface of HDE 226868 is being tidally distorted by the gravity of the massive companion, forming a tear-drop shape that is further distorted by rotation.
Hubbard squash is another cultivar of this species that usually has a tear-drop shape.
The rim of Carrington is relatively featureless, with a slight protrusion at the northern end giving the formation a tear-drop shape.
This pottery's characteristics are slightly rounded bottoms rather than the tear-drop shape.
These data were also made available to Vickers; both airships had the same elongated tear-drop shape, unlike previous airship designs.
The Delphin weighed 2.5 tons and was easily recognizable due to its tear-drop shape, which allowed the vessel to travel through the water at higher speeds.