He tore his sailor's clothing, making himself look less prosperous.
Rapidly, he tore their clothing into strips, made tourniquets and bandages.
A few, driven mad by pain, had torn their own clothing to shreds.
He raked a paw across his chest, tearing wide his clothing.
They tore one another's clothing, smeared their bodies with the greasy meat.
I tore my clothing and bit into my own lips, as I had wanted him to do.
A moment later it tore his clothing off entirely, so that he stood quite naked in the autumn wind.
She wanted to scream, to tear her clothing, to do anything but sit there quiet and rigid.
Once again in the clear he tore his clothing from him and sought frantically to rid himself of the torturing pests.
He held her close and tight though she fought him, tearing his clothing with her feet and teeth.