Through every organized activity, students develop their organisational and team-building skills which are essential in order to become an engineer.
Some companies also form teams to compete in corporate leagues, which cultivate team-building skills.
They develop leadership, team-building and communications skills through a year-round program.
Negotiations and team-building skills are brought to the fore in events like Boot Kamp.
In rugby union, exchange programmes have been held in other countries to gain experience and develop team-building skills.
"If you want to say you're a 'short-sleeved executive' with 'team-building skills,' just say you're a good leader," she said.
We have a training camp, and we're going to do a lot of team-building skills.
"But we also want them to realize that they need problem-solving and team-building skills to do them."
Students are challenged in many ways with the common goal of developing self-reliance and team-building skills.
Outward Bound is a well-known outdoor education organization that teaches team-building and leadership skills.