Dual-sport stadiums weren't exactly right for either sport, and the two teams fought over the too-thin revenue streams.
Instead of folding, the team fought to a hard win.
The teams fought to a stalemate, and after two overtime periods, finished the season as national co-champions.
Each year, the team fought against relegation and fewer spectators were watching the matches.
He led the team, fought like crazy; he made plays.
This became apparent as my team fought through its objectives.
Eight teams fought for the last berth and Mapooro Cantù got the final spot.
Hélio Gracie accepted the challenge and the two teams fought at Gracie's academy.
After a while however the truth became apparent as the team fought for each quarter-megahertz boost, he said.
But Boston rallied to tie the score and the two teams fought into extra innings, stars from both sides making great plays.