The mascot, named Charlie, is seen at various athletics events, usually wearing team apparel.
Spalding provided equipment including the official game ball, with Champion supplying team apparel.
Pardo publicized the show on web sites and by handing out information to people wearing team apparel.
The stadium features the Majestic Clubhouse, which houses all team apparel.
Spalding provide equipment including the official game ball, with AND1 supplying team apparel.
The flashy team apparel, etc., send a relevant message--the fans really care about the drivers.
The Greenstar logo appeared on Dynamo game jerseys and all team apparel.
The Vikings have operated a team apparel and memorabilia store at the Mall for several years.
This occurred when the club lent out team apparel to a neighbouring football club, after which it was never returned, or lost.
Both variations have been heavily used in team apparel.