The two teachers were standing to one side, watching their students and talking in low tones.
They're all so small, the teacher hovers over your shoulder and watches every little thing you do.
A good physical arrangement is one where the computers are positioned against a wall, rather than in rows, so that the teacher can watch everyone.
The following examples show how teachers have watched children make use of different materials in spontaneous activity.
Four or five children would go into a room filled with toys, and teachers would watch them play for about half an hour.
Their teacher, who refused to leave her charges for any extended period, watched over them as they slept.
"It's sort of like having your teacher come and watch."
"Are they saying that nothing like this ever happened when teachers were watching?"
For a few weeks, the teacher watched the boy, getting to know him better.
At school she would tell the teachers to watch me cause I was a cheater.