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This can be studied independently as a "self-taught language", with teacher supervision.
The school holds a 24/7 aspirant community broadcasting license and operates 101.9 Coast FM, a youth-orientated music program that is run by students with teacher supervision.
The students participate in various sports throughout the day, walking from one school to another under teacher supervision.
At Cathedral High in Manhattan, students followed their regular schedules without much teacher supervision, as they did on Thursday.
In addition, in MYP 5, students complete a personal project on a topic of their choice, with teacher supervision.
In higher grades, however, afternoon lessons are very common and periods may have longer gaps without teacher supervision between them.
Budget hotels and historical sites are awash with excitable noisy children without benefit of much teacher supervision.
Camping programmes are organized under teacher supervision by the NSS units.
With teacher supervision and administrative approval, a student may undertake independent study in one course.
The Title I class/lab had six PCs for individualized student instruction under teacher supervision.