Teenagers say that teachers require a lot from them and want them to have grown to the wise.
One teacher requires her sixth-grade students to learn to write long essays.
They are not invited to enquire into the process of their learning or how this is affected by what teachers require them to do.
The teachers will require the boys to read, but they won't the girls .
Whatever the teachers required at school, Dismé provided it.
School officials counter with the argument that choice theory is not being forced on anyone: teachers have been encouraged but not required to receive training.
Thus in this linking process, the teacher requires flexibility to help pupils build links at a speed with which they can cope.
Now, if I've got the math right, more teachers teaching smaller classes requires more classrooms.
He also suggested that teachers require outlines and rough drafts for term papers, so they can see a student's work in progress.
The teachers may require their students to complete written evaluation, participate in ongoing dialogue or directed discussions during the course of the semester.