A recent Burmese teacher has not regarded it as canonical.
Schools and teachers regard grades to be the primary goal.
"Like he was nothing," said Melissa Smith, a 14-year-old student at the school, when asked how teachers and classmates regarded Daniel.
Although the sightless students and their sightless teacher do not regard that as anything special, their class is.
Many teachers regard these proposals as nothing less than betrayal.
Nevertheless several western teachers regard Sri nIsargadatta to be their guru.
Then, he looked at me the way a teacher might regard a slow student and asked, "What is it about your butter?"
Meanwhile, many teachers and students regard such a project serves for promotional purpose more than educational purpose.
Any teacher of poetry would regard such statements as basic, but they are principles that have never been used to clarify Mr. Cunningham's own esthetics.
In this way, a true teacher regards himself as a student of his students.