This notion is based on the argument that unless teachers perceive issues to be relevant they are unlikely to be committed to their resolution.
A sharp-eyed teacher perceived his talent and lent him the money to apply to drama school.
Studies show that teachers perceive attractive children as more intellectual, more engaged in school and more likely to succeed academically than unattractive children.
How teachers perceive students' knowledge and abilities varies by gender and influences classroom processes and student achievement in both reading and math.
The demand for expert advice is particularly great today, perhaps because parents, teachers, and the general public perceive that children's problematic behavior has increased.
As comments here have highlighted, students, teachers, parents and the general public perceive institutions like Oxbridge costing more than other universities.
When a child falls behind their peers at some stage of development, their teacher may perceive that the child is "backward".
In addition, how the teacher perceives students' academic abilities determines how detracking is carried out in the classroom.
His teachers perceived that goodness early on, and his extended family has profited from it throughout Bonilla's 30 years.
It will depend on how clearly the teacher perceives the purpose of making the recording.