Approximately 100 pupils and 3 teachers had just gathered on the first day back at school when the fire broke out.
At week's end there is a staff meeting where 550 teachers, principals and professional staff gather.
On 21 September 2011, students, teachers and staff of the school gathered to take part in its platinum jubilee celebrations.
When teachers gathered, they joked about how long it would be before the entire primary school was diagnosed with learning disabilities.
On the Tuesday of each week, the teachers would gather the contestants, and inform them of their progress.
A professional teacher who opened a private school in a small town or village could sometimes gather a following of several hundred to over a thousand students.
Politicians, teachers and members of volunteer groups gather at its long rough-hewn table to discuss local issues.
Early the next day, all the teachers and students gather in the auditorium.
Each morning, students and teachers gather in the cafeteria and form a circle to the beat of African drums.
In a classroom, the young teacher in white was gathering her books together.