He then taught physiology and toxicology at Guy's Hospital from 1894 to 1898.
He taught biology, entomology, anatomy and physiology, and embryology during the first half of his career.
The schools once believed their mission was just to teach anatomy, biochemistry and physiology.
He also taught general pathology and physiology at the Université Laval.
He later taught physiology at the University of Utrecht, becoming a professor in 1888.
Do I have to teach you cellular physiology?
From 1756 to 1774, he taught physiology and medicine at the university in that city.
He taught physiology at Berkeley from 1928 until his retirement in 1966.
In 1944 Bullock accepted a faculty position at the University of Missouri, where he taught medical students anatomy and physiology.
Joining the Corvallis College faculty in 1867, he taught mathematics, physics, geology, and physiology.