He also actively taught the piano and organ privately throughout his career.
Between 1929 and 1939, he taught organ and composition at the conservatoire of Katowice.
He later taught harmony and organ at the Université de Montréal.
He taught organ, music history, and musicology and was chair of the music program until his retirement in 2008.
He currently teaches articulation, traditional organ, improvisation and musical theory.
He taught organ at the Stockholm Conservatory starting in 1938 and became professor in 1958.
He is also a professor at the University of Vienna, where he teaches organ.
He taught organ on the faculty of the Juilliard School from 1907 until 1945.
He began teaching organ at Göteborg University in 1986 and was appointed professor in 1988.
In 1908 he began teaching organ and he was appointed professor of organ in 1915.