In the mythology of (Fiji), 'Gedi' (Ngendi) is a fertility god who taught mankind the use of fire.
The concept belongs to a class of myths and legends of culture heroes, who taught mankind what it needed to know in order to thrive.
The priests of the Flame who are the guardians of ancient wisdom and the seekers after new-to teach mankind.
Legba also shares similarities to Orunmila, the orisha of prophesy who taught mankind how to use mighty Ifá.
These immortals must remain on earth acquiring merit by teaching mankind about the Tao.
Sariel (also Suriel) taught mankind about the courses of the moon (at one time regarded as forbidden knowledge).
His most important lesson he taught mankind was that material possessions cause envy and unhappiness.
He says that forests are the ornaments of the earth, that they teach mankind to understand beauty and attune his mind to lofty sentiments.
The stated goal in the incorporation documents was to, "teach mankind how to apply the truths taught by Jesus Christ".
In the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels and Azazel teach early mankind to use tools and fire.