It catered for both girls and boys, but originally they were taught in separate buildings.
However, lectures had to be taught in temporary buildings as the site was still occupied by the US Army.
In other cases, the courses themselves are flawed, taught in ill-equipped buildings by unqualified teachers.
Literally hundreds of thousands of children are taught in substandard buildings.
It may also be the only school in Kenya where pupils are taught in buildings which look like a castle.
An additional 1,850 children are taught in leased buildings nearby, and 820 in the few public schools not already overcrowded.
Girls and boys attending the school are taught separately in different buildings.
In 1999, the pupils learning in the two languages were taught in separate buildings.
The idea that children are being taught in pretty much derelict buildings in this country is ridiculous!
Wrestling was taught and practiced in buildings called palaestras.