I challenge all our schools to teach character education, to teach good values and good citizenship.
At these workshops, teachers learn how to teach environmental citizenship and how to create curriculum around certain environmental issues.
But Americans also want schools to teach citizenship, healthful lifestyles and creativity.
Becoming a "good citizen" is important, but schools turn out to be very inept instruments for teaching good citizenship.
It became important therefore, for the women to be taught good citizenship in the fattening period.
We've also provided technical assistance and training for volunteers and educators who teach citizenship.
We are simply not teaching good citizenship in a deep way, what someone else might call religious values.
Unwilling to stop working, she taught remedial reading and, finally, citizenship until eight months ago.
Most primary schools already teach citizenship through their curriculum.
The problem was how to teach good citizenship, for example, as part of every subject from art to gym.