Stronger accountability and reform for the rail service will help stem the financial hemorrhaging and provide substantial taxpayer savings.
The promised taxpayer savings have not materialized.
They are entitled only to the deduction, which in virtually every case is the greater taxpayer savings. provides information on school choice options in Pennsylvania, emphasizing academic performance and taxpayer savings.
"This computer literacy program is designed to improve efficiency of government and to create taxpayer savings," Mr. Spano said.
Nonetheless, Mr. Conyers said, "there is still a lot of taxpayer savings that can be realized through better management."
Several other Republican governors across the country have similarly insisted that both state and local governments contain fat that could be rendered into taxpayer savings.
Projected taxpayer savings: at least $2 trillion over the next ten years.
The social benefit and taxpayer savings realized by the Parent-Child Home Program is repeated by scores of nonprofit service providers across the Island.
Critics say the taxpayer savings trade away the future for the present.