Officials hope taxpayers find the new form less forbidding than the earlier version.
Some taxpayers, the Administration notes, will find that their capital gains rate is actually cut by the legislation.
True, many taxpayers will initially find more cash in their hands.
Nor will taxpayers find reasons why some districts spend more on classroom instruction than others do.
Without the adjustment, some taxpayers will find too little is withheld, which could lead to penalties.
Most taxpayers can find ways to pare their 1998 taxes, especially if they act now; once the year ends, many opportunities will be gone.
Many taxpayers who have not had to worry about the alternative minimum tax may find themselves trapped by it in future years.
During the tax preparation season, many taxpayers may find themselves hunched over their own calculators, also having no fun.
At, taxpayers can find a tax software product one of two ways.
Many taxpayers will find state tax collectors newly vigilant this year.