Citizens, taxpayers and patients should expect that the university will strive to provide the best possible medical education and health care.
Many taxpayers expect to be in a lower tax bracket in retirement.
But American taxpayers expect management excellence and efficient use of their money - especially from an agency that oversees 84 million acres.
If the Governor can't manage his own budget, how can we taxpayers expect him to oversee a budget for the state?
But taxpayers should not expect real reform until Congress breaks the lobbyists' money spell over Congressional campaigns.
As an interpreter of science for a popular audience, what do you think it is that lay politicians and taxpayers expect for their research dollar?
In fact all over Long Island, taxpayers should ask for and expect to receive information about early intervention and special education programs.
This is what taxpayers expect from us today.
I believe this is what the taxpayers of Europe would expect of us.
This is what the people and the taxpayers of Europe expect of us.