However, all of these numbers should be seen as underestimates - much taxonomic work is left to be done here.
The taxonomic work on these collections was Staudinger's life work.
Despite a petition to suppress the taxonomic work of these authors, it gained wide acceptance and publication in 1991.
Recent taxonomic work suggests that most of these should be considered as separate species.
Novel inputs from visiting scientists would in turn increase the value of our taxonomic work to other European institutions.
He is best known for his taxonomic work and studies into pteridophytes.
Further taxonomic work is required to determine how many species exist.
Because of subsequent taxonomic work, the number of species has since increased to at least eight.
A study published in 1971 recognises 16 subspecies and has served as a basis for subsequent taxonomic work.
Further taxonomic work would make control measures easier to implement, as currently identification of different subspecies can be difficult.