From now on, that gain would be treated as ordinary income and taxed accordingly.
"Free" airline tickets used for pleasure travel are a bonus, a form of income, and ought to be taxed accordingly.
What I see is this nigh landless Nigel Crispin will now be taxed accordingly.
Bartering for business is also taxed accordingly as business income or business expense.
Had you been carrying the memory all the way from Earth, you would have been taxed accordingly .
Therefore, there are four units and I'm taxed accordingly, even though the certificate of occupancy says it's a two-family.
Each is taxed accordingly, and subject to very different rules.
Other areas in the nation have planned regionally and taxed accordingly.
The proposal tries to give the impression that cigarillos with filters are cigarettes with dark-coloured wrappers and that they should be taxed accordingly, like cigarettes.
Upon such occasions the people assemble, and every one is said to declare with the greatest frankness what he is worth in order to be taxed accordingly.