Most taxable sales or purchases are subject to the state tax as well as the 2.5% local tax rate levied by all counties, for a combined 6.75%.
In Mississippi, the money spent on gambling last year exceeded all the taxable retail sales in the state.
About 99.75 percent of taxable sales, he said, result in gains of less than $500,000.
The retail sector is growing with taxable sales of USD 414.7 million reported in 2002, up by 4.6% from 2001.
Between 1988 and 1998, taxable sales in the city grew 440%, quadrupling city revenues.
As a small community with few retail outlets, taxable sales within the city are somewhat limited, totaling $53 million in 2006.
However, Addison had a considerable decrease (-41.1%) in total taxable sales for the period of 1997 to 2002.
This has helped boost taxable sales in Coralville from $155.3 million in 1996 to $549.7 million in 2006.
A business charges VAT on the taxable sales which it makes; this is 'output tax'.
Because it's so easy, many people don't realize that telephone switches are really taxable sales.