Note, too, that employers would no longer be able to deduct outlays for medical insurance from their taxable revenues.
These councillors could be elected by all landowning citizens with a taxable revenue of at least 15 taler.
Summit County, Ohio, $80 million of taxable revenue and taxable anticipation notes.
Barter exchanges are considered taxable revenue by the IRS and must be reported on a 1099-B form.
In 2008, the incubator's clients created 366 new jobs in Jacksonville and generated $16.5 million in taxable revenues.
At the same time, the bank has the best efficiency ratio, measuring operating expense against taxable revenue.
Finally, he doesn't have a clue about the vast amount of taxable revenue that will be generated in Connecticut as a result of this venture, nor does he care.
Mr. Kowalski defended the abatements, and said that if the project was seen to fruition it would generate more than $2 billion in taxable revenue.
Interest would not be deductible from taxable revenues because it is part of the return to invested capital.
They technically own a for-profit (which is essentially the whole company) for tax reasons - since they generate taxable revenue like their search deal.