The taxpayer would reduce the $1,000 selling price by 25 percent, or $250, leaving him a taxable gain of $750.
So you would have a $2 gain, taxable as ordinary income.
But a sale would result in a long-term taxable gain for 1994 of $1,362.50 less commissions.
Even funds that are down in 2004 could distribute long-term taxable gains.
If you sell the shares for $1,000, what is your taxable gain?
But if the law allowed indexation, the taxable gain would be only $1.
But a sale would saddle the company with a big taxable gain.
Those losses could be used to offset any future taxable gains made by the company.
However, for residents the taxable gain is reduced by 50%.
In turn, the taxable gain would be lowered to $50,000, from $60,000.