Until a revaluation is done in 1994, bringing commercial property values down from their 1980's highs, taxes will not decrease.
Congress is considering taxes on the earned income of charities, although these taxes will decrease funds available for research, education, health care and social services.
Ms. Gabryszewski said that the delinquent taxes going back 15 years have decreased from $10 million to $4.1 million.
Hidden taxes, although hidden, can decrease the purchasing power of individuals significantly.
Some taxes, like the 8.5 percent sales tax in Suffolk, have decreased.
This tax now decreases by 7% per year for every year an item purchased at auction remains with the purchaser.
For those earning $18,667 or less, the tax would actually decrease.
Part of the reason could be that taxes are actually decreasing.
Capital gains taxes have also decreased over the last several years but changes in their marginal rate have been less drastic.
Border controls have been tightened and taxes decreased.