But tax and service can add as much as 20 percent to the total package price.
Local or state taxes may also add considerably to this price, and vary widely across states.
Various taxes and fees add about $145 a person.
The tax would have added about 40 cents a gallon to the price of gasoline.
The same factor comes into play with value added tax, in which there has been a change as a result of last spring's Budget.
The tax would have added 7 to 8 percent to the cost of a newspaper, depending on what county the reader lived in.
The tax would add from 2 percent to 5 percent to the price of portable players.
Needless to say, this tax should not add any extra cost to the European citizen.
The new excise tax on luxury items would add $100 to the cost.
The tax adds about $30 to the price of a car.