No photographer was closer to the Madrid Movida than Alberto García Alix, visible in several self-portraits highlighting his tattooed body.
The unrelated stories are tied together by the frame story of "the Illustrated Man", a vagrant with a tattooed body whom the unnamed narrator meets.
Pintados refers to the term used by Spanish colonists to describe the tattooed bodies of the Boholano People residing in the islands of Biçayas (Visayas).
The chaodyn cannot use the rune magic, but long experience battling the Patryns has given them the knowledge of where the tattooed body is vulnerable to attack.
Two of the Senators were still asleep, their velcro-soled shoes stuck to the walls, their tattooed bodies curled fetally.
By the time he went to Virginia for rehab, his tattooed body - "Bad to the Bone," the Confederate, United States and Puerto Rican flags - had dwindled to 125 pounds.
His crest was matted, brown mud was smeared over his tattooed body and his studded leather jerkin was ripped and torn.
Ruby blood spattered the Trollslayer's tattooed body.
Gerald Minkhoff and Mureil Olesen, a Swiss couple, photograph themselves in mises-en-scene using Mr. Minkoff's tattooed body.
The series between the Spurs and the Mavericks may have featured the fewest tattooed bodies on one N.B.A. court at one time in recent years: a mere five players.